Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Things that SHINE!

People will always fling stones in your path!! It depends on you… yes you, as to what you make from it:

A wall of difficulties? Or A bridge to success?
Every road has speed breakers, Do not stop or fret, (Or at least let us try to NOT to stop and NOT to fret)… BUT boldly go over them to reach their destination, Keep going strong and let rejections ONLY motivate you... It's Our Life... Our Journey...
Our Dreams and our Success...
Make the most out of today, dedicate and ensure you do...  It's YOUR Dream...
Protect IT and Achieve IT!

As you may have already realized this is more to ME than to anyone else. I have been at the receiving end of many bricks and bats, and STONES, not just now but all through my life and very recently while having a chat with a dear friend I have come to realize this is PATTERN. A Recurring Pattern.  I am perpetually thrown with things I find difficult to handle and just when I seem to be getting a hold of the situation, another one springs UP. Just like that! And he, my dear friend, said to me, while I was all dejected and upset… “…So don’t you worry your pretty little mind, people throw rocks at things that shine. And life makes love look hard. The stakes are high, the water’s rough, but at the end, this love is yours.” Yes, I admit he is a bit philosophical and not at all ORIGINAL, but…..

People throw rocks at things that shine.
Honestly, that is one of the PRUDENT and TRUTHFUL sentences I have ever heard! People throw rocks. I see this every day. Now… not literally rocks, but people can be so mean. I don’t really know why, but I do have my theories.

1.       THEY are insecure.
2.      THEY make themselves feel better by putting you down. (leads back to insecurity)
3.      THEY are jealous.


I think the problem with many people is that they can’t be themselves. And I’m not saying I’m not involved in this because I definitely must be. People think too much into what other people think about them. No one wants to be WHAT they truly are. Be it AGE, CULTURE, NATIONALITY, RELIGION. Everyone wants to be someone else. In a few examples : A forty five year old woman wants to pass off as a 16 year old, A Christian wants to follow Hindu traditions, a Keralite wants to pass of as a Mumbikaar. (I fail to see the need to do this. Really it is beyond ME!) I fail to understand the desperation in wanting to pass off as someone you quite obviously ARE NOT! Be yourself. Don’t live to impress others. Right??

Be Who You Are! And Say What You Feel, Because Those Who Mind Don't Matter and Those Who Matter Don't Mind - Dr Seuss

“Be who you are” is the first part of that quote. And if everyone on our planet took that advice, our world would be so much better! There wouldn’t have so much hatred. I often ask Mr. CLKP, “What is the World coming to?? Really what is it coming to??” He looks at me as though I am completely cuckoo in the head! People shouldn’t judge other people because of their own insecurities. People shouldn’t  put others down just to fit IN. What we need to do is just be who we really are. We really shouldn’t act like we are someone we aren’t just to impress people. Because if they don’t like you for who you are, then they aren’t worth impressing in the first place.

“Say what you feel.” I admit sometimes I am afraid to say what I really feel, not to all only to people, but to only those who matter (which is twisted I know).  And I am guessing so is everyone else.  What if we say something wrong? What if people make fun of us? We need to just stop worrying about it all. (I NEED TO!!) Saying things we don’t really mean, or lying, or acting like we won’t find us real people. Real people like what you say, and want to be around you for it.

“Because those who mind don’t matter.” Don’t get me wrong. If you act like yourself, people will judge. People will hate. You cannot please everyone. If somebody doesn’t like you for you, makes fun of what you say, then they aren’t worth talking to. Don’t over think the people who mind what you say. Don’t change yourself to show off to somebody else. It doesn’t matter what others think.

“Those who matter don’t mind.” It isn’t hard to figure out who your real friends are. It isn’t hard to figure out who should really matter to you. And who really cares about you. People who love you, your real friends, will like what you say and do. They will like you from the beginning. They will laugh with you, cry with you, and stay with you. They won’t care if you’re wrong, not at all. They don’t mind what you say or do, as long as your being you.

Let’s all make a pact to NOT BE afraid to be yourself. Because there isn’t anyone better. Be you and only you. People throw rocks.  There will always be people who are mean. There were always be people who bully. There will always be people who judge. There will always be people who throw rocks. Don’t let those people get to you. The only way to not let the rocks being thrown at you cause you any pain – is to ignore them.

People throw rocks at things that shine. You can’t control what other people do. You just can’t. So if someone ever puts you down, just remember this quote. You shine. People will always make up reasons to put you down. But if they do, just know – you shine. People throw rocks at things that shine…


Sunish Shiva said...

true points.people talk, what they talk, let them talk.

worth reading :)

sfs said...

Bravo! Spectacular! Something that has been preached and followed by me. Now once that you have understood, that it is not you, who has the problem, but the else. So what is the next step?

Do you get angry, furious, frustrated at those who do?

No one wants to be someone else on purpose. They just do it for acceptance. Sometimes, your innerself is as such, that you yourself are scared of it. Sometimes you get angry at certain things, but then you stuff the anger in you. And then take it out on something else. That too is not being yourself. But, if you let your anger out you may lose a lot of things.

People who do such are just your admirers in disguise. They do tell you, you have something that they THINK they cannot achieve. Thus the hatred.

End of the the day you should tell your fans (the haters), thank you for showing me how successful I have become, that you have to take time out of ur busy schedule to say such. Then you smile, forgive them, and then not be bothered by it. EVER.

Aar-R said...

Being self...
Being what one wants...
Being the way one wants...
At times simple.
Complex at times.