It almost feels like yesterday, when I was packing my bags up, tidying up my place, picking up my car keys, sunglasses and BB and wishing my colleagues… Did I mention screaming “See you 2mm”’? Well yes that too… Little did I know that TOMMOROW was going to come only after a really really long time later! This took place last Monday and only today was I able to keep my word of seeing them again!
What was I up to for the whole week???
Well, I got a new posting… sort of at least! I got posted to my BED! Yes I was placed in under the command of my multifaceted BED! My Bed has been a one of things to me, a Friend, comforter, my ally, my helper in making decision, my partner in Dream, this time he had turned into my captivator! Stranded to my bed for 7 whole days!!
A long week of suffering! Severe Body pain, Fever, cold, and cough in short the FLU! To make things worse, have I told you that I have a THING against antibiotics? Yup we mutually hate each other. I am also one of those people who find it horrible to subject one’s body to a multitude of medicines. Why one would want to torture one’s body with innumerous tablets, syrups, injections etc is completely beyond me. Don’t you think we/ our bodies have any sort of resisting power or resilient powers?? Well I do, but apparently NOT enough!
The past week, even I had to give up my theory and succumb to medicines, but mind you I still managed to stay off antibiotics completely! *A Pat on my Back!*
First few days were pure horror thanks to the intense body pain and shivering! I just couldn’t get off the bed and couldn’t muster up enough energy to even read! Clouding eyes, sore limbs, intense pain in the back and what not. Then came the Fever, cough and cold! This is probably the worst bout of illness I had since Chicken pox I tell you! I sincerely hope and pray that something even remotely close to the degree of severity of this one doesn’t fall upon me or rather upon anyone for that matter. It is just too cruel.
I know there are diseases and illness severe than the one I went through, but I don’t care about them at the moment! What I care about is the silly little Virus that attacked ME and got me down for so many days!
Drank Soup, Read three complete books, watched 5 whole movies, Drank Soup, listened to the Virgin radio perpetually, spoke to my mum, Drank soup and SLEPT; this tiresome week saw me do these things to varying frequencies and degrees. Did I mention I Drank Soup?? My Poor Mum had to go through my extreme mood swings and silly pettiness all week; it’s a wonder that she could curb the urge to hit me with the first thing that she found!
Being completely off Facebook, Twitter, Gtalk, Msn, BBM and My blog was a welcome change actually. It is always refreshing to know, who cares about and who doesn’t just by taking a look at your FB notifications or you’re Pending BBM’s. Have made a Mental note of all the people who did and didn’t! :D
So many medicines, cough syrups, gargling, vapor inhalation and what not? God, I hated the whole of last week! In fact I still hate the whole of last week! What a WEEK!
Never thought I would be saying this, but here goes... IT feels great to be BACK to Work and HOW!!
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