Monday, September 12, 2011

R and R

No one needs a "Vacation" MORE than the One who just had a "Vacation"!
Mr. Elbert Hubbard

Stepping into the second week of work, after having a month away, there is nothing more I want, than to be excitedly standing at the very start of my vacations, and I couldn't agree more with Mr. Hubbard.

Having said that I am grateful for having a good vacation, a productive, exhaustive and at the same time relaxing vacation! Good food, scenic locales, interesting people, laughter, merry making and almost always had a smile plastered on my face. (Baring of course the occasional bout of negativity, which are necessary for us to appreciate the life we have and to be unapologetically thankful for and proud of!)

One month of pure Bliss! And now I am back to work! I have noticed that While on vacation not only do I do the obvious that is not Work, but also unconsciously shut down my mind, in terms of not being able to write! I can read, but try as I may, just not write. It's been exactly a month since I last wrote! The minute I got back, I had this itching feeling of wanting to sit down and Type it out... :) But with lots of mandatory chores like uploading vacation pictures on Facebook :P, catching up with friends, cleaning of the house, getting ready for ONAM, entertaining guests for Onam, uploading Onam pictures, a bridal shower, more pictures and the sort... I had to further make my blog wait for another post from me!

My vacation also consisted of several unprecedented things, like us flying to Bangalore for 10 days on a whim that I never thought would come true, me and my siblings learning to swim all by our own (albeit  we are still a bit raw at it!), going to Nrityagram (A long cherished dream of mine), eating pani puri on the streets with a cow and a dog for company, going for photo walks in the slums, going bowling and chipping my nails, playing snooker and looking like an absolute FOOL!

But, All said and done, Vacations are EXCELLANT for good Health! I strongly believe that vacations are good for health! Yes!

Taking regular vacations will most certainly help us live a fuller, longer (not really sure whether we want that :P), healthier and productive life. Going on vacations, sleeping, exercising, and  other leisure activities, have a very powerful healing, invigorating, protective and recuperating effect against the horrible, horrible phenomenon of STRESS.

Sitting here, awaiting for my boss to come out of a meeting and give his go ahead a design, I have decided to make good use of my time and note down a few GOOD "excuses" to take a vacation! :D Effective and productive use of 10 free minutes!


  • Reduces STRESS (All of which seems to get accumulated on my shoulders, yet another small something I have inherited directly from my Mom). By taking ourselves out of the familiar stresses at work and home, our STRESS is greatly reduced during vacations! During a vacation, we get to unwind, relax, and put anticipated pressure and terrorization out of our minds.
  • Provides an distinctive break to treat ourselves in our activities that have a soothing, restorative and stress-buffering effect, such a extensive photography in my case.
  • It could be an Internal adventure. Much like my annual internal retreat at the close of the year to be alone, to solve personal problems or simply enjoy oneself. "Solitude is not a luxury; it is a periodic necessity."
  • To pamper yourself! All of US work very hard, and we have all the right to treat ourselves to the fruits of our hard labor. Like my biweekly visits to the parlor to relax, splurge, live it up, to be treated well, and to feel important. 
  • To have the freedom to do WHAT you want WHEN you want. The freedom to walk around our very own wishes, whims and fantasies. These are our escapist moments! At least for a while we can run away from the pressures of today's day and time and experience the small little joys of living a less synchronized existence. :) 

Ahh... There comes the BOSS, and so my little trip is over for the time being! I have got to get back to work, but I am sure that everyone reading will be on a mini vacation of their own in their heads!

Let's all NOT forget to take time off for vacations!! It is... the RIGHT thing to DO now and very now and then!


2emkay said...

Felt exactly the same after my recent trip to Ladakh!!! Sigh...

2emkay said...

Felt absolutely the same after my recent Ladakh Trip...sigh.

Neelanchana Kumar said...

hhehehe!! I understand!! :D :D