Sunday, March 27, 2011


A few days back, I was in a daze, probably because I have been slightly overworked, nah majorly Overworked actually… or probably because I got a tad bit lost of the way back home, with barely enough petrol in my car and no petrol station in sight! Or probably because I realized how I let people take me for granted… Yes that’s it… it is exactly that and not anything else. Thinking about that got me amazed at myself… yup! Amazed!

I amaze myself! Creativity, Speed, Patience and most Importantly STUPIDITY and my new found TIMIDITY! Grrr… That in turn got me thinking about other things that amaze me, and why not list them out… that is exactly what I am going to do… List out things that amaze me. Good, bad and ugly… all of it! Well there actually quite a few of them… so I will list out the Top ten of them. :P

1. I am first and foremost amazed by the most amazing person in this World… My Mom! Beautiful, gorgeous, dedicated, determined, unwavering, ever-loving, hilarious, strongly opinionated, and so much more… She is my ROCK! She is the only one person in this world whom I can turn to when I am in trouble… She is the one who taught me to do things my way, always have my way, fight for what is mine, never fear confrontations, to cry just like that and to always be fabulous… I love you Mama! :D :D You know Noolie loves you! :D

2. I am amazed by… the innumerable similarities that me and my brother share, it’s like I am seeing me in a younger male version!

3. I am amazed by… all the Talent in this world! The singing, dancing, acting and whole lot more…

4. I am amazed by… the people in my life… Most of whom come into it only to take something away from me… be it my time, trust, love, etc…

5. I am amazed by… the Males I encounter and their audacity!

6. I am amazed by… my Dad’s ability to look at the brighter side ALWAYS!

7. I am amazed by… my sister’s talent of looking stunning at all times…

8. I am amazed by… My boss’s unpredictability.

9. I am amazed by… a certain someone’s Stupidity!

10. I am amazed by… Mother Nature and its beauty and patience!

Talking about Mother nature, I have recently tried my hand at Nature photography… Will put up the pictures in the Next entry :)

1 comment:

Prabhu G said...

Neelu, U are one amazing person urself. U AmAZE ME MEOW MEOW!! ;)