Oracle Octopus abandons Germany!! Oracle octopus abandons Germany…
The whole of yesterday was spent thinking about whether the Octopus’s predication will be correct or NOT! And Guess WHAT, it Was!!
We are living in the 2010, in the 21st century not in the 5000 BC, but still… I thought superstitions and myths don’t count, but apparently they DO! Someone commented yesterday that in this WORLD, there are only THREE things that are certain — death, taxes and the World Cup predictions of a British-born octopus in western Germany. That, that right there was the whole point… pressuring people, people starting believing that SPAIN was going to Win, just because an Octopus said so… Not even a doubt about that.. But WHY??? If that is really the case, there’s hardly any point in playing Yesterday’s semi-final between Germany and Spain — the Spanish have already got it. In fact fortunately or unfortunately they DID!
No matter how silly or serious, how tame or outrageous, superstitions are ingrained in the culture of HUMANS. And that’s not a bad thing.
For the most part, superstitions are just about routine. It’s all about finding something to be positive about in a sport, in daily life, in many many different things in this World… that is full of failure. For Instance, if a player has a good game, he might try to repeat everything he did that game, from the shoes and undershirt he wears, to what he eats for dinner.
Superstitions are typically seen as inconsequential creations of irrational minds. Nevertheless, many people rely on superstitious thoughts and practices in their daily routines in order to gain good LUCK. To date, little is known about the consequences and potential benefits of such superstitions, or should I say until now… Paul the Octopus had DECLARED, eating his mussels from the Glass box with the Spanish flag and sealed Germany’s doom.
Taking about superstitions and unrealistic realities, My Mum, she is that last person in this WORLD, who would watch a Football match, No, Not that she doesn’t like the matches or the sport; it’s just that she sleeps every time she sits in front of the TV at night… But this time around, she actually sat through the Whole match and was rooting for Germany, and why you would like… Considering that she has not clue about the game, the rules, the players or anything… Well she was testing... Yup she was…. She was testing our very OWN Paul!! She wanted to know if his prediction was going to true or not… and how would it benefit her you would think, well if it works for Spain, it would work for ME as well, she said, “We can go and check with him, and get to know when you would get married!!” LOL… That’s my mum for you… Willing to travel all the way to Berlin just to know if I would get married in the near future or NOT!!
Love u Mom! :D :D
P.S... Btw I was vouching for the GERMANS, unfortunately they seem to have forgotten how to play just when it was time for them to UP their Game.... Next Time Bois... Next Time!! :)