Thursday, April 25, 2013


Yes. Forever and Always.

I accept I am guilty of eating all the TIME! Well, you have to give it to me, hunger is harder to decipher than thirst!! 

 Call me the victim of FAUX HUNGER! But turns out I am not the ONLY one! 

So what do you know, fellow hungry peeps? We may be actually eating for the WRONG REASONS!  GULP!

Potato Chips? Sandwiches? Salads? Rice? CUPCAKES! WE are GAME, aren't we!

Irrespective of whether or not I have had food, I am hungry.  I can eat and be satiated for 30 min or so and then BAM!... I am Hungry, AGAIN.

I would like to blame my Liver! Yes Liver. If it weren't for this organ of mine sending the WRONG signals to the Hypothalamus, I wouldn't be eating so much, that too so Often. Damn you, Oh Confused Liver!

The story of my life may as well be named the HUNGER GAMES! I am constantly playing with food and my baffled hypothalamus. But one look at those extra calories, and I am like, WHAT! Did I eat all of that!! Lays Cheese flavored chips, why you do this to ME?? Why??

I was so hungry yesterday, or rather blinded by this conniving liver of mine, that I actually dropped and broke my favorite RED nail polish bottle dreaming about sinking my teeth into some scrumptious paneer filled dosa, with some spicy white chutney, some piping hot sambhar and teekhi onion chutney! YUM!  Too bad I had to spend the next ONE hour cleaning, sweeping and removing the red stains from all over the beautiful white flooring in my room! Tsk! But, when I finally managed to bite into my dosa, it did feel well deserved! (Trust me to find some "Divine Intervention" scenarios in the direst of situations! Pat. Pat.)

But I am done getting tricked by these False cues. I ain't letting no obesity touch me! NO way! I have decided,  the minute I am tricked into feeling hungry, I am going to:

Drink water first!! Hunger test - I am going to try drinking a glass of water and wait for 15 minutes before cruising down to the refrigerator. If I continue to be HUNGER, then I am just going to go ahead and eat. Ting!

An apple/pear/plum a day… this can sure keep hunger at bay! I guarantee!  Picture chomping down on a red juicy delicious plum. If that doesn't get you drooling enough to eat one, then it’s probably not really food-time  YET!

Zzzz - ing MORE! Lack of sleep increases appetite, hunger, and food intake. (I am not complaining!!! The More the sleep the merrier) Let 's grab those NINE hours of sleep to avoid overeating. (Seven Hours is so passé! and NOW have an excuse as well, don't we! YAY)

De-stress. (Well can anyone tell me, what the HELL DE - STRESSING means?) Ahem... I mean, how does one effectively DE stress, if I may? STRESS, the Five Lettered word of DOOM in this case may lead to reaching out for that cookie jar when we’re not actually hungry... soooo Let's look for other ways to calm the troubled mind to prevent using food for comfort. (Okay, I will be lying if I said, I am going to find some other way, I mean WHAT other way is there, anyway???)

Slow down. This is important! I mean this is something I completely agree with! In fact Mum and I keep yelling at my brother, who runs from the dinner table to the dessert section! Immediately!! It does take time to actually feel FULL after a meal, so before reaching for dessert directly after dinner/ lunch/ breakfast (Don't judge ME! I have a sweet tooth, okay!), let's wait up to twenty minutes to see if the stomach can really accommodate more food. What say? 

Okay, I got to go now, 

a) Its the start of the WEEKEND!!! YAY!
b) I am HUNGRY! I have to Order PIZZA NOW! Or Do I ???? EEK EEK!!!!

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