Who said resolutions should be and can be made only at the beginning of the year??? Nah… We can decide to change something is our life, when we want it and how it want it as and when we like… Right?? So, today I did just that and more… I have introduced my self to this self-motivated, vigorous life goal thingy which I liked to call... "Getting my ACT together".
Basically, it involves saying/doing all the stuff I didn't want to do, or had been putting off. It means being totally honest or fixing up little things in my life that weren't quite right.
I need to talk to people. Shall be dressed up at all times, even when I don’t feel. I mean why should people know you’re going through shit?? I have made myself promise that here after I shall never ever wear is shirt that I am wearing or these slippers that i am wearing at the moment ever again to work!! NEVER! I will visit people, even those whom I despise. I will meet people I want to, when I want to. Cleaning my room isn’t something I put off, but I shall do it religiously Daily and do all the stuff that would make me feel pretty, healthy, happy.
There is no point writing and reading what exactly is life and stuff like that… what we need is action… no point crying about things that cannot be achieved, rather work towards getting it sorted, or give it UP completely. There are a lot of people who cry about the same things again and again and again… meeting them, talking to them made me realize that I need to CHANGE this thought process of mine. So why NOT I said… Let me give it a go!!! Let me get my shit together for a day, week, fortnight, and month. Making a list of all the things you want to change in your life, wish you had the courage to do, regret, love. . . you will be pleasantly SHOCKED… I AM!
Will not go over the details of my list, but will give an overall round up for it nonetheless.
- 1. I have decided to try and live each complete day positively without wishing/desiring/yearning to decipher or solve all the problems of my life at once.
- I have made certain that I will take the utmost care of my appearance. Dress modestly; try not to raise my voice (lol... ye rite); that I will be courteous in my behavior; that I will continue to criticize but justly of course; I will not claim to improve or to discipline anyone except myself (lol).
- I will/ shall always be happy in the faith that I was CREATED to be happy, not tomorrow but today as well!
- I will become accustomed to circumstances… yes I will without requiring all circumstances to be tailored to my own wishes.
- I will from now on devote 30 minutes of my time daily to some good reading, just as food is necessary to the life of the body, so good reading is necessary to the life of the soul. One New book every Month as least!
- I shall do one good deed every month and not tell anyone about it.
- I will make a plan for myself every single day… I may not follow it completely, but I will make it.
- I have also decided never again to be hasty. Jumping into conclusions or getting excited for the smallest things is completely OUT.
- I know and I believe that in spite of how things are right now, the Divine intervention of God, always cares for me, loves me and looks after me as no one else who exists in this world can.
This is my good resolution. My Project. My project that would lead me to Happiness. It often seems as though I'd be happy if only OTHER PEOPLE would behave properly! But the truth is, the only person I can really "improve or discipline" is MYSELF.
What say?
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