I really can’t explain certain things about me, sometimes when I venture to do so; I only end up making myself sound weird, obnoxious and arrogant. But does that stop me from talking, absolutely NOT… lol!
For Instance, You know when I like someone or something I never want to tell their/its names. It feels like I am surrendering a huge part of them when i do so. Of Late, I am really growing to love SECRECY. The drama, the ambiguity and the vagueness. It’s all just terrific! Secrecy seems to be one of those things that can make mundane life of ours mysterious and marvelous. Even the simplest and commonest thing is utterly delightful if one tends to HIDE it!
Even when I have to leave the country from now on, I will make it a point not tell people where I am going or when I will be back. If I do, I would lose all my contentment. In fact I have been putting the above said into practice quite a few times recently. The pleasure of keeping a secret is indeed exotic. Yes, it is definitely a childish habit, but somehow, I have realized that keeping secrets, adds a huge deal of Romance into one’s life. Well you have just got to Trust me on that.
It's similar to my yet another favorite course of action, SILENCE! Yes, SILENCE… when I don't like something/ someone, I find it best not to say anything on the topic or to the person. Well, I do love confrontations n stuff like that… but I Love my silence more. Many a times, people have offended me, but I chose not to say anything to them, instead I keep quite. I ignore the whole topic (Read: the one that offended me) and sometimes the person entirely. My bestie, Fem, calls it my SILENT TREATMENT… lol and she speaks from experience so there is no arguing with that. I mean I hate telling people who obliviously don’t care about me in the first place about what they have done; it's almost like showing them how much they mean to me, whereas I mean nothing to them. Isn’t it? I definitely feel so. Why express oneself and bare one's soul so that someone can be judgmental about you? Why not adopt silence… I don’t know about others, but I definitely think it works for me. It definitely puts me to peace instantlty.
Sooo… Basically I have sworn myself to the two S's in life… Silence and Secrecy!
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