It’s been a WEEK since I lasted posted my blog entry and it has been intentional! I fell in LOVE... yes in Love with the Number 100!! I wanted to keep seeing that number some more and so I thought I should keep it cool and wait for a bit and then post an entry! But now, after a week, I realized, my respects to the NUMBER has been paid and my thoughts need to be released and more importantly 200 sounds like an even more interesting number, better still 300.. or 400... or... LOL!! Touch wood!
SO armed with THAT motivation in hand and a tummy ache which has bound me at home, here I am in front of the computer about to key in my 101th BLOG entry!! Yay!! :D
Last Saturday while I was on my way completing a few errands of mine, My bestie Pooj, pinged me asking me to write something about US for this Facebook competition looking to find the best of best two friends in Dubai and was very keen that we participate and more importantly WIN!
SO there I was in this long never ending queue in the Bank, and this came as a welcome exercise, I had something productive to do in that time, isn't it? Standing there completely oblivious to the people in front of me and to the people behind me, I started punching in....
Forever is a really long time! I used to wonder how people talk so casually about this theory that we cannot even fully fathom or wrap our minds around. But then sometimes, very rarely mind you, we have a *Friend*, a dear dear one and we immediately begin to sense that our souls are very closely and deeply connected. This connection, we then know is, above all time and space. We instantaneously know that wherever we are in our lives, whoever we turn into, we will always, always remain friends.
Through rivers of tears and fiery fights, sweet smiles, lots of love and horrible hate, bitter betrayal and deadly debates, I would always and forever have faith in You just as you have had for ME... Even if we do not see each other for days, months or years (God forbid) we are able to pick up right from where we left off and it will be alright!! Now I know what people mean when they say friends forever. For I have one such best friend myself!
That was fastest little note that I have written... without thinking, without blinking and without a moment of pause! I guess that is what Friendships are all about isn't it? Well for those of you who are wondering IF we won the competition, Nope we didn’t… :P But winning the competition isn't going to make any difference to our friendship (Isn’t it Pooj?) which has stood the test to time and lots of other things... Winning it merely would have probably got us some sort of a Gift! :P LOL!!!
Then again, Gifts are temporary and Friends are FOREVER! Love YOU!
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