Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Peeping TOM

Call ME excessively paranoid or whatever you may please, but when I get worried, Its usually for the right reasons and mostly thanks to the people around me!

I for one, have a Facebook fetish! No, I am not those, *Look at me, am at McDonalds in my Pink dress*, *See My NEW Red sandals* sort of Photo maniac, but yes I do post pictures, status updates, my attempts at Photography and my blog updates etc! I love Facebook as it helped me connect with many of my old classmates, family, friends and other wonderful people. I got to met meet very talented people with common passions like Photography, cooking, music and dance!

It helps unite networks of work, school, college and areas and encourages people to hook up and act together with other community.

Its podium which is both fun and helps rapid learning and sharing ideas. Facebook provides us the chance to choose what WE desire to share, and what WE don’t need to impart, and what you desire to pass on with chosen acquaintances. CHOSEN ACQUAINTANCES! That is the KEY word! I decide, who I add, whom I talk to, whom I want to share my stuff with! It’s absolutely preposterous for someone to right click, save MY picture and send it across to someone else because He/She has a THING for ME! I am not annoyed, I am a bit appalled!

I think that it’s crazy. Psycho, actually. While I understand the desire to peruse buckets of information to help One make a more informed decision about somebody they are interested in, the fact is, Facebook isn't how you do it, darling! You only really get to know somebody by TALKING to her and being around her.

Facebook is only going to give you a prorated version of the person of your affections. Unless you see a
a Gal with Blood red hair and yellow nails and smoking pot or a Guy standing around with AK-47s rocking a headband in loose pajamas and a stupid mustache cum goatee, how much are you really going to ascertain about him or her? Especially whether or not he/she's a GOOD person?

Similarly, just because you see someone hugging a puppy, dancing in their pictures, looking coy and saving some tigers, or posing with a guitar, it doesn't mean that SHE/ HE is the ONE! Hell, Ppl put up these pics because it makes them look good!!!

I know our human nature inclines us to do as much info-seeking as possible, particularly in a place as vast and (potentially) informative as the Internet. I for ONE, Google myself on a regular basis!! But stalking is a Different LEVEL!

So stalk away, for all I care! Just realize that if you go looking for drama, you will find it, One way for the Other! So why not give human interaction a try. Anything less is uncivilized, uncouth and unacceptable!

Before I end, Once again I would like to give this message….

Dear Facebook Friends,

There is a Reason why I am NOT Friends with the whole world and Why I have the privacy settings that I have! Please THINK before you decide to SAVE a picture of Mine or Any1 else's for that matter, and send it to a Third UNKNOWN party, Whatever Maybe the Reason! The person maybe IN LOVE, or DEMENTED or Plain Jerk or just curious… I don’t care! Actually,why blame the person asking for the Picture, I blame MY friend for breaking MY TRUST!! Anyone can ask for anything, but it is UP to US to take a stand!! Also, Please REFRAIN from giving out personal details to the prior mentioned UNKNOWN people... Because if you do, it pretty Much Qualifies as STALKING and that’s Not What Friends DO!

Sincerely requesting each everyone of you! And also Remember What goes around COMES around!

Love :)


2emkay said...

Scary!!! Sheesh, the things people do these days. (right click, save, send) :P

Neelanchana Kumar said...

Heheh... YUP! *Phew*