Owing to a really bad stomach ache and an equally foul mood connected with it, my usually hectic Weekend schedule went in for a complete toss this time. Well, I guess it’s a Illness induced temporary speed breaker given to me to sit back and relax… as much as I absolutely HATE it, it was very much necessary considering the never before seen dark circles appearing on my face a day before the weekend officially began. Looking back I guess that it was a Sign, showing me a glimpse of the impeding nasty weekend… Well, It wasn't that much of a Horror per say, but it definitely wasn't MY kinda weekend, I didn’t step outside, I didn't click any pictures, I didn’t shop, Hell, I didn't even Read! What I did was Sleep…Whine, Eat…Whine, Watch TV/Movies and Whine some more! ** But I did manage to punch in a Blog entry before 12.00am, So YAY! My weekend wasn't a waste after all! :)
This Morning, picking up my BB and reading the news on the KT App… The first thing that caught my eye was… Mrs. Hillary Clinton eyeing the Top job at the World Bank! Well I really have no interest what so ever in her political career/agendas or the likes but what exactly drew my attention was the fact that the Post that she is apparently eyeing isn’t Vacant as yet and I Quote:
“Under normal circumstances, the names of potential candidates for the World Bank would surface only months before the post becomes vacant. But the timing of the discussions is not unusual this year given the sudden opening of the top job at the bank’s sister institution, the IMF.” Unquote
Well, that explains a lot doesn't it? All those of you who have been following the news, are very much aware of the reason behind the SUDDEN opening of the top job at IMF now, don’t we?
All these sudden happenings here have me quite appalled!! Sickened actually at the frequency and the commonness of all these happenings… Of late we have had an extremely talented and supposedly happily married Mr. Ahuja running behind a Maid, IMF chief Mr. Strauss Kahn chasing a Hotel maid; Actor, Governor and Father of four Mr. Schwarzenegger coming out with the revelation that he has Fathered yet another kid with a Household help (yes Maids seem to be popular choice here), and recently Mr. Weiner resorting to some lewd means to attract female attention! It’s a pity to note that all the above mentioned names are those of Married, Well settled, Popular and Strong men… I am quite sure there may be plenty such cases where the ladies are the focus of this sort of unflattering flood light, but Thankfully as of now I am blissfully unaware of them!
The interesting part about Mr. Weiner would be that his marriage was Officially presided over by none other than Mr. Bill Clinton (Well with that piece of information at hand, I guess we all know whose CHARM and demeanor rubbed off on Mr. Weiner). His wife, Huma Abedin, is not only the Deputy Chief of Staff and Aide to the United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, but also in the early stages of her pregnancy, she is carrying Mr. Weiner’s Baby, her very first child. It almost like a soap opera! Or wait, this is beginning to be a novelist’s dream… Pitch this to an Editor and BAM… I am sure it would have you ultimately laughing your way to the bank…
But THIS isn’t a novel, and certainly isn’t a laughing matter at all… another thing that is quite revolting is What sort of "Close Friend" or "Family Member" would disclose information such as her pregnancy to others, especially members of the press, considering the timing? I mean what sort of people does she have around her? First, an absolute jerk for husband who brings her immeasurable embarrassment, and now ‘Close friends and family' broadcasting her personal news... Poor Woman!
I just can’t figure what exactly causes people in a seaming healthy, happy, cultured relationship to jump the gun and do something which brings along with it, boundless embarrassment, ridicule and years of torture?? Yes, even though the people who are closest to the scenario may want to forget, perhaps forgive and move beyond this catastrophe… WE are just not ready aren’t we? Well we definitely haven’t been able to forget Ms. Lewinsky now have we? I for one haven’t, and every time I see Mr. Clinton on TV or Paper, SHE almost always Flashes in my head… and I hold the Media’s Overexposure entirely responsible for the same!
All said and done, I feel the current trend and rise in infidelity is just dreadful to say the least… I just hope and pray Ms Abedin has an easy and healthy pregnancy, and that her husband's ANTICS are not causing her any stress and anxiety. May the baby be happy, healthy and may her pregnancy be as smooth and complication-free as possible. Perhaps Mr. Weiner should spend his time fixing his marriage and resign already… Or Perhaps Not… Uhmmm.
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