With GREAT Power comes GREAT Responsibility!! Well that’s what Benjamin Parker Said, You guys surely remember him… he is Spiderman’s Uncle… Rather Peter Parker’s Uncle! Well I can be responsible enough, so where’s my SUPER POWER???
Ever since I was a kid, I always wanted to be able to do something SPECIAL! Something different, unusual and exceptional! Call it a fixation with Cartoon Network or with the Marvel comics, whatever it may be, I am absolutely floored by the concept of sleeping as an “Ordinary” person and to WAKE UP with special flying abilities, X ray vision, possessing animal-keen senses, diamond hard skin, powers of persuasion, lots of enhanced physical capabilities, coupled with retracting bone claws, definitely slow aging process, and a SELF HEALING property maybe!!
WOW, how cool would that be??? If I have all these powers, I would manipulate the world, the material world, and the people in it. I would change seasons, go anywhere I wanted, teleport, bend spoons (and a whole lot more as well):P. I would hop over the all the HIGH rise buildings in SZR, get rid of my fear of HEIGHTS, and no, I wouldn’t want to have the webs, nah… not those (kind of icky aren’t they), but I would rather depend on sheer force of what I know about the universe and its design. I would learn, quite easily (painlessly mainly), kung fu, aikido, taekwando, kalari payttu, kick boxing and Karate as well.
I know I know… I am quite sure that you guys are all thinking about the yummy hunky Hugh Jackman, the gorgeously delicious Keanu Reeves, innocent Tobey Macquire, and the feisty Uma Thruman from the Kill Bill Series… These descriptions are rushing to you with great familiarity and I am quite definite there will be an exhilarated adrenaline rush as well; Of course!! See If just reading about these powers and watching movies showcasing them gives us such a RUSH, imagine what would happen if we ever get a chance to experience it??? When I watch movie, they stick to me, I live them, not once but over and over again… Ye I know it’s kind of freaky, that’s how it is… I am the protagonist of the movie for the next couple of days… and the movies, they generally strike me and keep me spellbound and I am just slouching in my living room staring blankly at the Plasma, imagining the possibilities!
Super heroism can be summed up pretty much by men and women in tights fighting crime, villains and often depicted as idyllic. Which is quite strange actually considering they were all/ mostly social outcasts, Right?
NO be seriously, I like to see/ BE super heroes as an answer to all the problems but at the same time people with normal feeling, they are after all human beings somewhere down the line, with the same emotions as people feel. Like a unique figure with extraordinary powers can solve our day-to-day problems. Oh! If Wolverine could save people (read ME) by climbing on walls and carrying me on his strong shoulders and rescuing me from the pathetic TRAFFIC, surely things like Me coming to the Office LATE wouldn't happen ever again...right? It’s incredible to having super powers; I'd say all the abilities introduced by these Comics really are awe inspiring.
Everything about superheroes is SUPER! They dress in awesome (Okay, agreed some are funny) suits. They flaunt around their powers. They impress. They solve problems. But in the real life, it’s quite unfortunate there is no fighter of GOOD, to help us from our issues. Because in reality the danger that we have is OFTEN with ourselves; yup!! We're these small bundles of emotions that constantly change the way we behave; perform, the way we live, interact etc.
I think I were a super hero, my special ability would be reading emotions and absorbing them. Well that’s because I know am a good listener, I can listen to people, and they feel easy to open up to me. Just about anyone, even people whom I hardly know find it completely unproblematic in telling me their secrets… New people at work, people I meet through FB, through the shows that I do, people I meet through friends… At times I feel as if am oozing out some vibes that make people feel, I make them feel better… like Pepper… Ye, Pepper makes us remember our deepest secrets and feel the need to get it out with… So I would love to grab onto all the negative feelings that build up in the human soul and filter them, shake them off completely, leaving only the positive emotions.
I would be, what I would like to call, an Empath!!! To take the HATE out of the Universe... That would make this WORLD a better place, now wouldn’t it??? :D
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